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online-accounts: Add arrow and settings icons to list row

Chardinson Ventura requested to merge chardinson/gnome-control-center:main into main

In GNOME Initial Setup on the online accounts page, the list of rows has a next icon, while in settings there is no next icon.

The added accounts show the settings icon as shown in the layout.

The icons are in the most recent layout:

Before After
Screenshot_from_2023-12-01_04-33-43 Screenshot_from_2023-12-01_04-34-32

The layout changes the warning icon to a "Connection lost" text, I couldn't implement this because of my lack of familiarity with the C language.

Currently mockup
Screenshot_from_2023-12-01_04-37-36 Screenshot_from_2023-12-01_04-38-14

Merge request reports
