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Draft: Adds possibility to override default web browser per application

The idea is to allow override default browser per application for security/personal reasons.

I have only mockups here. Would like to politely ask for revision, if this graphic style is OK and secondly if approach of overriding default Web APP if acceptable, or there is some better solution.

Pre-requisite: User is logged in his browser from work and uses his favorite social networks

Use case: User opens URL from some social network(Telegram, WhatsApp,...) and wants to use different browser where he is logged under diferent account.

Use Case 2: User opens URL from email client XY, which he uses for hobby reasons and wants to comment something in gitlab, but under different account.

Use Case 3: User opens URL from not trusted application and wants to use second browser with enhanced security.

**Mockups: ** Adding "Web Overrides" image

After clicking on "Web Overrides", select box appears, where user could choose default web browser for given app. image

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