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  • Owen W. Taylor's avatar
    Untag mesa and get it building against LLVM 3.3 · 6f3d1b3b
    Owen W. Taylor authored
    In order to find the 3.3 of LLVM that is build in our yocto base,
    it's necessary to patch mesa's so that it can be
    made to look in /usr/bin/llvm3.3 for llvm-config. It's also necessary
    to pass a --host value, since llvm config is installed as
    x86_64-gnomeostree-linux. If we start building on other architectures
    this will need to adjustment.
    (Before the Yocto rebase, we had a LLVM 3.4 custom recipe, that stopped
    working; LLVM 3.3 and 3.4 are both sufficient to get llvmpipe working, but
    not new enough for some other parts of Mesa like amdgpu, the radv Vulkan support,
    etc. If we want those, we'll need to update to something considerably