Need the ability to add days to the end of the month
Originally filed in GNOME Bugzilla #775531 by @jfft on 2016-12-02
While I always keep myself focused towards the future (I do not dwell in the past, as you may have seen in bug #1 (closed)), there are times where there just isn't enough time left to land every deliverable you promised for a given month. With months typically hardcoded to a mere 30-31 days in the Gregorian calendar (sometimes you only get 28 or 29 days), you end up disappointing people, and that sucks.
GNOME Calendar should allow me to add extra days at the end of the month, that way I could impress my clients by landing those deliverables easily, and I could also add a couple days of vacation (or time to get a life).
Since GNOME Calendar is a native GTK+ application, and Georges has a long history of fixing shit all over the place in our stack, it should be trivial to add as a feature in GNOME Calendar once he implements GtkTimeMachine in GTK+ (see GNOME Bugzilla #171940) in one night where he has trouble getting asleep.
I'm pretty sure a ton of GNOME hackers would get incredibly more productive. This would be a huge service to the GNOME community so we could prioritize this with some BoFs and hackfests. I would suggest we make it a GNOME 5.0 goal (this feature would make us so productive that we could release GNOME 5.0 right away, and use a slogan like "GNOME 5.0 is so awesome, we skipped 4.0" or "All the goodness from GNOME 2 + 3 = GNOME 5").