Gnome Platform 43 fc-cache failed
I notice gnome flatpak apps using Gnome Platform 43 have broken font. I've tried running this command:
flatpak run --command=fc-cache org.gnome.Platform//43 -f -v
/home/renjaya/.local/share/fonts: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 9 dirs
/usr/share/fonts: failed to write cache
/usr/share/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro-fonts: caching, new cache contents: 14 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/share/fonts/cantarell: caching, new cache contents: 6 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/share/fonts/cantarell: failed to write cache
/usr/share/fonts/dejavu: caching, new cache contents: 22 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/share/fonts/dejavu: failed to write cache
Full output:
[renjaya@ragazenta ~]$ flatpak run --command=fc-cache org.gnome.Platform//43 -f -v
Font directories:
/home/renjaya/.local/share/fonts: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 9 dirs
/usr/share/fonts: failed to write cache
/usr/share/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro-fonts: caching, new cache contents: 14 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/share/fonts/cantarell: caching, new cache contents: 6 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/share/fonts/cantarell: failed to write cache
/usr/share/fonts/dejavu: caching, new cache contents: 22 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/share/fonts/dejavu: failed to write cache
/usr/share/fonts/gnu-free: caching, new cache contents: 12 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/share/fonts/gnu-free: failed to write cache
/usr/share/fonts/google-crosextra-caladea: caching, new cache contents: 4 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/share/fonts/google-crosextra-caladea: failed to write cache
/usr/share/fonts/google-crosextra-carlito: caching, new cache contents: 4 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/share/fonts/google-crosextra-carlito: failed to write cache
/usr/share/fonts/liberation-fonts: caching, new cache contents: 12 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/share/fonts/noto-emoji: caching, new cache contents: 1 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/share/fonts/tex-gyre: caching, new cache contents: 33 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/share/runtime/share/fonts: skipping, no such directory
/run/host/user-share/fonts: skipping, no such directory
/run/host/share/fonts: skipping, no such directory
/home/renjaya/.fonts: skipping, no such directory
/app/share/fonts: skipping, no such directory
/run/host/local-fonts: skipping, no such directory
/run/host/fonts: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 48 dirs
/run/host/fonts/cantarell: caching, new cache contents: 11 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/dejavu: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/dejavu-sans-fonts: caching, new cache contents: 9 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/dejavu-sans-mono-fonts: caching, new cache contents: 4 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/dejavu-serif-fonts: caching, new cache contents: 9 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/gnu-free: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/google-carlito-fonts: caching, new cache contents: 4 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/google-crosextra-caladea: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/google-crosextra-carlito: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/google-droid: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/google-droid-sans-fonts: caching, new cache contents: 16 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/google-noto: caching, new cache contents: 36 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/google-noto-cjk: caching, new cache contents: 73 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/google-noto-emoji: caching, new cache contents: 2 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/ht-caladea-fonts: caching, new cache contents: 4 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/jomolhari: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/jomolhari-fonts: caching, new cache contents: 1 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/julietaula-montserrat: caching, new cache contents: 18 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/khmer-os-content-fonts: caching, new cache contents: 1 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/khmer-os-system-fonts: caching, new cache contents: 1 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/khmeros: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/liberation-mono: caching, new cache contents: 4 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/liberation-sans: caching, new cache contents: 4 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/liberation-serif: caching, new cache contents: 4 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/lohit-assamese: caching, new cache contents: 1 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/lohit-bengali: caching, new cache contents: 1 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/lohit-devanagari: caching, new cache contents: 1 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/lohit-gujarati: caching, new cache contents: 1 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/lohit-gurmukhi: caching, new cache contents: 1 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/lohit-kannada: caching, new cache contents: 1 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/lohit-odia: caching, new cache contents: 1 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/lohit-tamil: caching, new cache contents: 1 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/lohit-telugu: caching, new cache contents: 1 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/opensymbol: caching, new cache contents: 1 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/paktype-naskh-basic: caching, new cache contents: 1 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/paratype-pt-sans: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/pt-sans-fonts: caching, new cache contents: 8 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/sil-abyssinica: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/sil-abyssinica-fonts: caching, new cache contents: 1 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/sil-nuosu: caching, new cache contents: 1 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/sil-padauk: caching, new cache contents: 2 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/smc: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/smc-meera: caching, new cache contents: 1 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/smc-rachana: caching, new cache contents: 2 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/stix: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/stix-fonts: caching, new cache contents: 5 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/thai-scalable: caching, new cache contents: 4 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/fonts/urw-base35: caching, new cache contents: 69 fonts, 0 dirs
/run/host/user-fonts: caching, new cache contents: 45 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/share/fonts/cantarell: skipping, looped directory detected
/usr/share/fonts/dejavu: skipping, looped directory detected
/usr/share/fonts/dejavu-sans-fonts: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/dejavu-sans-mono-fonts: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/dejavu-serif-fonts: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/gnu-free: skipping, looped directory detected
/usr/share/fonts/google-carlito-fonts: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/google-crosextra-caladea: skipping, looped directory detected
/usr/share/fonts/google-crosextra-carlito: skipping, looped directory detected
/usr/share/fonts/google-droid: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/google-droid-sans-fonts: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/google-noto: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/google-noto-cjk: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/google-noto-emoji: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/ht-caladea-fonts: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/jomolhari: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/jomolhari-fonts: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/julietaula-montserrat: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/khmer-os-content-fonts: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/khmer-os-system-fonts: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/khmeros: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/liberation-mono: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/liberation-sans: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/liberation-serif: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/lohit-assamese: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/lohit-bengali: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/lohit-devanagari: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/lohit-gujarati: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/lohit-gurmukhi: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/lohit-kannada: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/lohit-odia: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/lohit-tamil: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/lohit-telugu: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/opensymbol: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/paktype-naskh-basic: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/paratype-pt-sans: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/pt-sans-fonts: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/sil-abyssinica: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/sil-abyssinica-fonts: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/sil-nuosu: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/sil-padauk: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/smc: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/smc-meera: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/smc-rachana: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/stix: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/stix-fonts: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/thai-scalable: skipping, no such directory
/usr/share/fonts/urw-base35: skipping, no such directory
/run/host/fonts/cantarell: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/dejavu: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/dejavu-sans-fonts: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/dejavu-sans-mono-fonts: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/dejavu-serif-fonts: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/gnu-free: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/google-carlito-fonts: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/google-crosextra-caladea: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/google-crosextra-carlito: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/google-droid: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/google-droid-sans-fonts: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/google-noto: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/google-noto-cjk: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/google-noto-emoji: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/ht-caladea-fonts: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/jomolhari: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/jomolhari-fonts: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/julietaula-montserrat: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/khmer-os-content-fonts: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/khmer-os-system-fonts: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/khmeros: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/liberation-mono: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/liberation-sans: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/liberation-serif: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/lohit-assamese: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/lohit-bengali: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/lohit-devanagari: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/lohit-gujarati: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/lohit-gurmukhi: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/lohit-kannada: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/lohit-odia: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/lohit-tamil: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/lohit-telugu: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/opensymbol: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/paktype-naskh-basic: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/paratype-pt-sans: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/pt-sans-fonts: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/sil-abyssinica: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/sil-abyssinica-fonts: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/sil-nuosu: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/sil-padauk: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/smc: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/smc-meera: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/smc-rachana: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/stix: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/stix-fonts: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/thai-scalable: skipping, looped directory detected
/run/host/fonts/urw-base35: skipping, looped directory detected
/usr/cache/fontconfig: not cleaning unwritable cache directory
/app/cache/fontconfig: cleaning cache directory
/home/renjaya/.cache/fontconfig: not cleaning non-existent cache directory
/run/host/fonts-cache: not cleaning unwritable cache directory
/run/host/user-fonts-cache: not cleaning unwritable cache directory
/var/cache/fontconfig: not cleaning non-existent cache directory
/home/renjaya/.fontconfig: not cleaning non-existent cache directory
fc-cache: ../../src/fccache.c:808: FcCacheFini: Assertion `fcCacheChains[i] == NULL' failed.
Here some screenshots.
Only Gnome Platform 43 are affected. Are these SeLinux issues?