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  • Murray Cumming's avatar
    AX_BOOST_PYTHON: Update for the AX_PYTHON_DEVEL change. · e01d59c9
    Murray Cumming authored
    Because AX_PYTHON_DEVEL now provides PYTHON_LIBS instead of PYTHON_FLAGS,
    this script needs to be updated accordingly.
    This lets AX_BOOST_PYTHON actually find the boost python library
    on newer systems that ignore the -l flags if they appear before the
    source file on the command line.
    I'm not sure why I needed to add PYTHON_LIBS to LIBS in the AC_CACHE_CHECK()
    line, though it apparently wasn't necessary to use PYTHON_LDFLAGS there
    before. I suspect that much of this file doesn't really make sense.
    I have submitted this patch upstream: