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  • Murray Cumming's avatar
    Export to po file: Improve the msgtxt hints. · eaec5468
    Murray Cumming authored
    * glom/libglom/data_structure/translatable_item.[h|cc]:
    get_translatable_item_type(): Make this const.
    * glom/libglom/document/document.[h|cc]: get_translatable_items():
    Now return a list of pairs, so each TranslatableItem also has a hint
    for the msgtxt for the po (gettext) file, so that each can be
    identified uniquely and so that the translator has some context.
    * glom/libglom/translations_po.[h|cc]: Adapt.
    * glom/mode_design/translation/window_translations.[h|cc]: Adapt,
    showing the actual hint instead of just the item type.
    * tests/ Adapted.
    * tests/translations_po/data/test.po: Reexported.