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  • Murray Cumming's avatar
    Use the regular AX_BOOST_PYTHON macro. · 75c2f220
    Murray Cumming authored
    	* macros/ax_boost_python_murrayc.m4: Remove this heavily changed
    	version of AX_BOOST_PYTHON because it is hard to use this while getting
    	improvements to the official one.
    	* macros/mm-python.m4: Remove this, which we used in
    	* macros/: Add the latest versions of ax_python_devel.m4,
    	ax_boost_base.m4 and ax_boost_python.m4.
    	* Use the official macros.
    	* Create some variables to build the
    	flags and concatenate them together for simple use, and use them.
    	* Use the variables here too.
    Hopefully this does not cause any regressions. It should make it
    easier to use python 3.
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