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  • Murray Cumming's avatar
    sql(): Move text escaping code into glom_escape_text() so it can be · 52975e2e
    Murray Cumming authored
    2006-01-17  Murray Cumming  <>
            * glom/data_structure/ sql(): Move text escaping code into
            glom_escape_text() so it can be reused. For IMAGE fields, assume that
            get_binary() is already the escaped binary format, but escape it
            again as text, so we get the \ needed for SQL commands.
            * glom/data_structure/ get_escaped_binary_data():
            Use one \, not \ to separate byte numbers, because that's the format
            used by get/set_binary() in libgda at the moment.
            * glom/utility_widgets/
            get_value(): Use GlomConversions::get_escaped_binary_data() before
            set_binary() because Glom must assume elsewhere that it is escaped
            in all GdaValues. This workaround will all be unnecessary in libgda-2.0,
            which properly unescapes binary buffers.
            Images are now saved properly into examples, and inserted properly into
            the new databases that are created when examples are opened.