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  • Johannes Schmid's avatar
    For Openismus Gmbh (now that it's finally in place ;-) · c65ec5f8
    Johannes Schmid authored
    2006-10-12  Johannes Schmid <>
    	For Openismus Gmbh (now that it's finally in place ;-)
    	* docs/user-guide/C/glom.xml:
    	Added ids for all dialogs to be filled with a documentation
    	* docs/user-guide/
    	* docs/user-guide/
    	* docs/user-guide/ (removed):
    	Mostly fixed documentation generation. There is still an issue with
    	scrollkeeper but I hope I get this fixed soon.
    	* glom/
    	* glom/
    	* glom/
    	* glom/
    	* glom/layout_item_dialogs/
    	* glom/mode_data/
    	* glom/mode_design/fields/
    	* glom/mode_design/users/
    	* glom/mode_design/users/
    	* glom/translation/
    	* glom/utility_widgets/
    	Use dialog_run_with_help for all dialogs that contain help
    	* glom/libglom/utils.h:
    	* glim/libglom/utils.c:
    	Added Utils::show_help which calls gnome_help_display and does
    	some error handling.
    	Added Utils::dialog_run_with_help with runs a dialog and return the
    	Gtk::Reponse. If the user clicked help the dialog is kept up and a
    	help browser is launched.