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  • Tim Janik's avatar
    major cleanups. introduced _g_log_fallback_handler() to handle recursive · f4d7817b
    Tim Janik authored
    Wed Mar 27 18:42:22 2002  Tim Janik  <>
            * gmessages.[hc]:
            major cleanups. introduced _g_log_fallback_handler() to handle
            recursive messages which really doesn't call any GLib functions.
            this allowes the default handler to use normal GLib functions and
            also fixes user supplied log level handlers.
            fixed locking issues, based on a patch from Sebastian Willhelmi,
            attached to #74356. translate log messages from UTF-8, based
            on the same patch. save fatal and recursion flags across flag
            loop. use new integer format code from above patch.
            move GLib functions out of locked mutex state to avoid deadlocks.
            move the level prefix and filedescriptor logic into mklevel_prefix().
            move _g_debug_init() into a place where we can figure and handle