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  • Allison Karlitskaya's avatar tweak inotify check · 450e7b10
    Allison Karlitskaya authored
    Our check for inotify_init1() being defined is broken.  We happily
    declare that inotify is supported, even if the check fails.
    This was originally intended to check for inotify_init1 in the libc so
    that we could fall back to inotify_init if it was not yet defined.
    FreeBSD has a libinotify that emulates the inotify API via kqueue.  It
    installs a <sys/inotify.h> header and requires linking to -linotify.  We
    don't want to falsely detect working inotify in this case.
    Treat the lack of inotify_init1() in the libc as a lack of inotify
    support.  This requires only a new libc -- we still support old kernels:
    in the case that inotify1_init() fails, we fall back to inotify_init().