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  • Philip Withnall's avatar
    gthread: Fix futex timespec type on 32-bit kernels with 64-bit userspace · eec65c76
    Philip Withnall authored
    The `struct timespec` type documented as being passed to the `futex()`
    syscall actually needs to be the *kernel’s* timespec type. This will be
    a different width from the userspace timespec type if running a 64-bit
    userspace on a 32-bit kernel.
    That mismatch will cause `g_cond_wait_until()` to return `FALSE`
    No other uses of `futex()` in GLib use the timeout argument, so they’re
    all OK.
    Following a detailed suggestion by Rich Felker, pass a different
    timespec type into `futex()` if `__NR_futex_time64` is defined. That’s
    the 64-bit time version of `futex()` which was added in kernel 5.1, and
    which was only added for 32-bit kernels.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPhilip Withnall <>
    Fixes: #2634