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Better handling of callbacks during GC

Sebastian Keller requested to merge skeller/gjs:cb-during-gc-fixes into master

This fixes two issues that together have resulted in a couple of freezes reported against gnome-shell without proper stack traces while the logs are getting spammed with error messages. See gnome-shell#1868 (closed) for example. While this does not fix whatever the underlying issue of that was, it should prevent it from turning into a freeze.

I have never been able to reproduce any of these bugs myself and due to the lack of proper logs I couldn't find a reproducer that way either. So in an attempt to reproduce what I think is happening in these bugs I simply changed gjs->sweeping() to TRUE in GjsCallbackTrampoline::callback_closure and then ran this script:

const GLib =;
let mainLoop = new GLib.MainLoop(null, true)
GLib.idle_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, () => {
    return false;

To test the logging issue it is important that everything gets logged to the journal so for this one additionally has to use systemd-run --user jhbuild run gjs /path/to/script.js. Then check the log using journalctl -f.

Merge request reports