Colors are incorrect when both GIMP's and system color management are enabled
Submitted byLink to original bug (#708579)
I have a wide-gamut display that is calibrated and profiled. The color management feature of GIMP is not working for me.
I think it is because OS X already does color management, and GIMP does the same for the managed colors, producing dull colors when editing sRGB images in my wide-gamut display.
My settings for Color Management are as follows:
Mode of operation: Color managed display
RGB profile: None
CMYK profile: None
Monitor profile: None
Try to use the system monitor profile: checked
Display rendering intent: Perceptual
Print simulation profile: None
Softproof rendering intent: Perceptual
Mark out of gamut colors: checked
File Open behaviour: Ask what to do
With these, the same sRGB image shows different colors in Preview and GIMP. They look the same when I change "Mode of operation" to "No color management" or uncheck "Try to use the system monitor profile". Changing "Display rendering intent" does not solve the problem.
I'm pretty sure colors that GIMP shows when color management is off are actually color-managed by the OS, since they match the colors that Preview shows. I even tried Chrome to view the same image without an embedded color profile and the colors were different (very saturated) and didn't match those by GIMP in unmanaged mode.
Version: 2.8.4