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  • Ell's avatar
    Issue #1851 - Measure tool straighten rotation is always to the horizontal. · cb3b7a1b
    Ell authored
    Add an "orientation" option to the measure tool, corresponding to
    the "orientation" property of GimpToolCompass (i.e., it controls
    the orientation against which the angle is measured, when not in 3-
    point mode.)  The orientation is "auto" by default, so that the
    angle is always <= 45 deg.  Note that the "orientation" option
    affects the tool's "straighten" function, so that the layer is
    rotated toward the current orientation.
    Use the "pixel-angle" and "unit-angle" properies of
    GimpToolCompass to read the measured angle, instead of duplicating
    the angle-measurement logic, in particular, so that we benefit from
    the improvements/fixes of the previous commit.