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  • Ell's avatar
    app: clean up GimpTransformGridTool; adapt subclasses · c7895c97
    Ell authored
    Get rid of GimpTransformGridTool::recalc_matrix() and
    gimp_transform_grid_tool_recalc_matrix(), and have
    GimpTransformGridTool and its subclasses use
    GimpTransformTool::recalc_matrix() and
    gimp_transform_tool_recalc_matrix() directly instead.
    In order to break the GimpToolWidget::changed/
    GimpTransformTool::recalc_matrix() loop, add a
    GimpTransformGridTool::update_widget() vfunc, which subclasses
    should override to update their tool-widget (instead of doing this
    in ::recalc_matrix()), and ::widget_changed(), which is called when
    the tool-widget changes (and which subclasses should override
    instead of connecting to the tool-widget's "changed" signal
    directly.)  GimpTransformGridTool calls these functions as
    necessary, instead of relying on extra parameters passed to
    Adapt all the direct and indirect subclasses of
    GimpTransformGridTool to the change.
    (cherry picked from commit 6a3fc6c1)