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  • Ell's avatar
    app: a few async font loading fixes · 50db2b66
    Ell authored
    In gimp_data_factory_finalize(), wait on the factory's async set
    after canceling it, and before continuing destruction.  It's not
    generally safe to just abandon an async op without waiting on it
    -- this is a font-specific hack, due to the fact we can't actually
    cancel font loading, and GimpFontFactory is prepared to handle
    Instead, in gimp_font_factory_finalize(), cancel and clear the
    async set, so that GimpDataFactory doesn't actually wait for
    loading to finish.
    In gimp_font_factory_load_async_callback(), don't try to acess the
    factory when the operation is canceled, since cancelation means the
    factory is already dead.  On the other hand, when the opeation
    isn't canceled, make sure to thaw the container even when font
    loading failed, so that we always match the freeze at the begining
    of the operation.
    (cherry picked from commit b5890e05)