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  • Ell's avatar
    app: add GimpTransformGridTool; derive most transform tools from it · 340c4a23
    Ell authored
    While most of our transform tools use an interactive transform
    grid, and have similar behavior, the flip tool is an odd one out.
    The new "auto straighten" function of the measure tool introduces
    another tool that performs transformations, while not behaving like
    the rest of the transform tools.
    Factor out the parts of GimpTransformTool that handle user
    interaction into GimpTransformGridTool (with corresponding
    GimpTransformGridOptions, and GimpTransformGridToolUndo), and only
    leave the basic transform functionality and options in
    GimpTransformTool (and GimpTransformOptions).
    Derive all the transform tools (and transform-tool base classes)
    that previously derived from GimpTransformTool, from
    GimpTransformGridTool.  The one exception is GimpFlipTool, which
    still derives from GimpTransformTool directly.  The next commit
    will derive GimpMeasureTool from GimpTransformTool as well.