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  • Ell's avatar
    plug-ins: in script-fu, don't query PDB procedures' info on startup · 9a2999a5
    Ell authored
    script-fu used to query the information of every PDB procedure on
    startup, in order to get the number of parameters for each
    procedure.  This was done so that nullary procedures were defined
    in such a way as to accept (and ignore) any number of arguments
    (and at least one of the scripts we ship relies on this behavior).
    However, this requires expensive back-and-forth communication with
    the main GIMP process, which notable slowed down script-fu's
    startup, and had a non-negligible impact on GIMP's startup time.
    Instead, avoid querying procedure information, and implement the
    special behavior for nullary procedures at call time.  We do this
    by defining, in addition to the "strict" gimp-proc-db-call
    procedure, a "permissive" -gimp-proc-db-call internal procedure,
    and using the latter to call the predefined PDB procedures.