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  • Ell's avatar
    app: update image bounding box when moving layer inside/outside of group · 2a753170
    Ell authored
    In GimpImage, update the image's bounding box in response to the
    layer container's "add" and "remove" signals, instead of during
    gimp_image_{add,remove}_layer(), so that the bounding box is
    properly updated when moving an existing layer inside/outside of a
    layer group, instead of only when adding/removing a new layer.
    Even though moving a layer across group boundary doesn't change the
    overall image bounding box, it does change the group's bounding
    box, affecting the image bounding box.  It's therefore necessary to
    update the image bounding box again when the layer is re-added to
    the layer stack, so that the bounding box doesn't get stuck in an
    intermediate state.