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libgimp: fix #12631 set can_recurse on watch on msgs from core

Lloyd Konneker requested to merge bootchk/gimp:fix12631persistentEnable into master

Fix #12631 (closed)

The issue is not specific to ScriptFu per se, but specific to persistent plugins that receive consecutive procedure calls (second one that is a callback.)

Test cases are Demo>Sphere from v2, or Filter>Decor>Slide. Choose the Font selector button, then choose a font. Expect the plugin's dialog to update with the new choice of font.

There is a note on the 20 year old commit on the same call in app/plug-in/gimpplugin.c, that says the read handler must do more ref/unref, and the core code refs and unrefs the plug-in arg. I don't see the need in the read handler in libimp (gimp_plug_in_single_message.)

Merge request reports
