Draft: plugins: new feature letting user install and remove simple plugins
See Teams/GIMP/Design/gimp-ux#90 where there is a draft user manual.
Draft, a working prototype to outline proposed architecture and changes to core and PDB API.
Not styled correctly.
GUI plugins will work but are not in final user-friendly form. At "Filters>Development>[Install, Remove]"
Some features not implemented (overwrite of existing installed plugin probably fails.)
The test case uses /plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/myPlugin.scm in this repo.
- Choose Development>Install plugin.. and navigate to myPlugin.scm then choose OK. Expect "Plug-In Examples>My plugin" immediately appears in menus. And the plugin is functional.
- Choose Development>Remove plugin.. Defaults to "My plugin" menu label. Choose OK. Expect "Plug-In Examples>My plugin" immediately dissappears from menus.