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Draft: #335: paint tool enhancements

Mark Sweeney requested to merge pixelmixer/gimp-plugins:paint-contact into master

This merge attempts to help with #335. The main issue for me is that when painting with a pressure sized brush, crosshair and no pointer, and a stylus, near zero or zero pressure means there is no center point drawn. Only the size of the 'normal' brush is rendered as small arcs. Where normal might be several hundred pixels, which makes the center point vague. I also tend to lose my small brushes against a mid gray canvas.

It is an enhancement to the current paint tool that makes it easier to know the contact point of the stroke and it also makes losing the cursor less likely. It does this by drawing a 'small' contact circle for pressure sized brushes and changing from an outlined circle to a solid fill circle when the cursor is off image.

In the attached videos, the current behavior is demonstrated, and the proposed behavior.


Merge request reports
