.ani cursor generated using 2.99.12 not recognised in Windows 10
- GIMP version: 2.99.12
- Package: Windows installer from the official source, downloaded through official torrent
- Operating System: Windows 10
I created an 2.ani file, I was able to draw and export without issues. But the .ani file has no thumbnail on desktop. When I tried to replace the busy icon using mouse pointer settings, I was able to browse to 2.ani on the desktop and select it. But nothing changes in the cursor set or cursor preview. It is as if nothing got selected. Description of the bug
Attaching the 2.ani and source 2.xcf
Is the bug reproducible? Yes, I created a different other.ani file, but the same issue. I had 3 layers only, while the first one had around 5-6 layers
Reproduction steps:
- open GIMP
- Draw in layers
- Export as .ani
Expected result: Busy icon should change when selected through Mouse Pointer settings
Actual result: Busy icon did not change when selected through Mouse Pointer settings
Additional information
If you have a backtrace for a crash or a warning, paste it here.