Opening image causes window to freeze (normally due to hidden dialog)
MacOS Big Sur, version 11.6.2, Macbook pro
- GIMP version: 2.10.30 (also seen on 2.10.26)
- Package: From
- Operating System: macOS Big Sur 11.6.2
Description of the bug
Whenever I open or drag-drop an image in gimp the window stops responding - freezes
- All buttons stop responding, including the image
- The layers area will show the imported image and I get the correct context menu when right-clicking, but left-clicking has no apparent effect
- Buttons I click on are remembered after restarting gimp even though they appear frozen
- If I click an unresponsive tool button and attempt to make changes to the image (which also does nothing), then close gimp, it will prompt about unsaved changes as if something has happened in the background
- It's almost as if the visuals completely stop updating but behind it gimp is still active and working, but I can't see that
- For some reason most images cause the freeze but with no apparent pattern some images don't, and once I've opened one that doesn't cause the freeze I can then import one that does without issues
- Gimp doesn't crash or show any error messages, and waiting 5+ minutes does not resolve the issue. Have to force-quit.
- During the freeze I can still save or export. Exporting a .xcf of the image, restarting gimp, and opening the xcf causes the same freeze.
Is the bug reproducible? Always
Reproduction steps:
- Start gimp
- Open or drag-drop an image into gimp
Expected result: Image is opened/imported and operations continue as normal
Actual result: The entire window freezes, buttons stop responding, but it's not a normal freeze as described above.
Additional information
Edited by brettamann