ScriptFu dialog hangs on MacOS OSX
- GIMP version: 2.10.22 (rev 3)
- Package: Disk image, rev 3
- Operating System: macOS 11.2.2
Description of the bug
Filter > Light and Shadow > Drop Shadow (legacy) does not work, and has not worked for a very long time now. when I try to apply it, nothing happens to the image, and worse, the control window freezes and cannot be closed ever. I am forced to quit Gimp, there is no other way to continue.
Is the bug reproducible? Always
Reproduction steps:
- Select Filter > Light and Shadow > Drop Shadow (legacy)
- Adjust some settings in the control window
- Hit OK
Expected result: A new layer with the shadow is created containing a shadow.
Actual result: Nothing happens to the image. The control window freezes, and never closes. This also happens when I hit Cancel. I get the beach ball on this window.
Additional information
If you have a backtrace for a crash or a warning, paste it here.
Edited by Michael Schumacher