Command Search (/) Results to show Menu Path and usability choices
Overview: Add Menu Path and Hotkey (shortcut) to search results, for usability reasons.
Currently Gimp Has a command Search using the / key. This shows a list of commands that match the search string. The command can be run by clicking on it's list entry.
Problem The search does not say on which menu or which hotkey the command has. So the next time the user needs the command, they have to search again. You only can RUN the command. Mouse users have to switch back to the keyboard every time then back to the mouse to use the command. Keyboard users are not shown it's Hotkey shortcut for direct use next time.
Blender 2.9 Blender has enhanced it's command search, more suitable for 3D graphical users. It does 6 things where Gimps only does Run. It has:
- The Menu Path (See below)
- The Hotkey assigned to the command. If any.
- Option to Save the command as a Favourite
- Option to Assign a Hotkey
- Option to go to the User Manual for that command
- Run the command
Preferably, add all of the features of Blender 2.9
Priority 1 is Show the Path and Hotkey next to the command OR on a TOOLTIP when the mouse is hovered over the command
Priority 2 is Add To Favourites. See parallel Request to add a Favourites Menu
Priority 3 add all the remaining Blender features.