English input not accepted from Japanese keyboard
GIMP version:2.10.8
Operating System:Windows 10 (Japanese)
Package: [flatpak? Installer from gimp.org? If another installer, tell us where from]
Description of the bug
Gimp disables the English keyboard input (double-byte and single-byte) so only single-byte katakana and double-byte Japanese characters can be input. English text copied from another application like Wordpad cannot be pasted into the text field or the editor field, so essentially English input is impossible. The same goes for Saving (file names cannot be input in English).
Is the bug reproducible? [Always / Randomly / Happened only once ] Always (even with a reinstall)
Reproduction steps:
- Create a text box
- Attempt to change the input on a Japanese keyboard to English (1-byte and 2-byte give the same result)
- Type
Expected result:
Actual result:1-byte katakana
Additional information
If you have a backtrace for a crash or a warning, paste it here.