All tool presets change FG, BG and Pallete color even when not supposed to
GIMP version: 2.10.6 and 2.10.8
Operating System: Linux Mint 18.3 and macOS Sierra
Package: flatpak
When I apply a tool preset, my FG, BG and Pallete changes even though I did not select apply stored FG/BG and Pallete when creating the preset.
The bug is always reproducible.
Reproduction steps:
- Create a new tool preset with the "apply stored FG/BG and Pallete" unchecked
- Change foreground color to a different color
- Restore the tool preset
Expected result: Foreground color doesn't change
Actual result: Foreground color changes to FG color at the time when the preset was created
Additional information
Change the options on the .gtp files also does't works. It's as if the "yes" option is the only one, even if it says "no"
Edited by Michael Natterer