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  • Jehan's avatar
    libgimp, libgimpwidgets: more consistent API for widgets using a… · 8761d84a
    Jehan authored
    … GimpIntStore for value filling.
    GimpIntComboBox was not taking ownership of the value store whereas the
    newer GimpIntRadioFrame was taking ownership. As a more common practice,
    I decided to leave ownership to the caller (which will therefore have
    the responsibility to free the data) in the main class and property
    widget APIs.
    On the other hand, let's steal ownership of the store objects in the
    gimp_procedure_dialog_get_int_*() functions as these are really used for
    very quick and easy creation of dialogs by script writers. It would even
    allow to create a GimpIntStore inline within the widget creation
    function, if one wanted to.