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  • Henrik Brix Andersen's avatar
    rewrote a large part of the screenshot plug-in. The plug-in now no longer · f33c7af7
    Henrik Brix Andersen authored
    2003-08-28 Henrik Brix Andersen <>
    * plug-ins/common/screenshot.c: rewrote a large part of the
    screenshot plug-in. The plug-in now no longer depends on the xwd
    utility, but uses Xlib/GDK functionality to obtain the screen shot.
    The window to shoot is now selected prior to the time out. This
    fixes bug #103852.
    The ability to obtain a screen shot of a window without
    decorations has had to go since this can not be done using plain
    Xlib/GDK (one would have to depend on libXmu to do this).
    The source is prepared for G_OS_WIN32 but the win32 specific code
    is yet to be written.
    * tools/pdbgen/pdb/plug_in.pdb (gimp_progress_update): improved the
    inline documentation
    * app/pdb/plug_in_cmds.c
    * libgimp/gimpplugin_pdb.c: regenerated
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