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  • Ell's avatar
    tools: add and driver · cc18c2f8
    Ell authored is a viewer for GIMP performance logs.
    The viewer is made up of two parts: a sample-selection area at the
    top, and an information area at the bottom.
    The sample-selection area visualizes the sampled variables and
    markers using a simultaneous set of plots, and displays the
    currently selected samples.  Samples can be selected directly
    through the sample-selection area, or by other means, such as
    searching for all samples satisfying a certain condition, or
    containing a certain function.
    The information area shows global information stored in the log, as
    well as information specific to the currently selected samples,
    including variable listing and statistics, full backtrace, and
    profile/call-graph information.
    Note that takes its input from STDIN,
    like the rest of the performance-log tools, and is therefore
    suitable for use as part of a pipeline.  For standalone use, the
    performance-log-viewer driver is also included, which takes the log
    file as a command-line argument, and processes it through an
    appropriate pipeline before feeding it to the viewer.
    (cherry picked from commit 3601c918)