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  • Helvetix Victorinox's avatar
    app/paint-funcs/ include files from app/composite/ · 9d2b6396
    Helvetix Victorinox authored
    app/paint-funcs/paint-funcs.c stubbed out code for using
    gimp_composite.  To enable the use of gimp_composite, set the
    value of gimp_composite_use_old to 0 (zero).
    app/base/base.c calls gimp_composite_init() hook to initialse
    all the gimp_composite "stuff."
    app/composite/ now generates
    app/composite/gimp-composite-dispatch.[ch] are in CVS although
    they are generated files.  This is preparation for building the
    table at run-time, instead of compile time.
    app/composite/gimp-composite.c doesn't #include the main
    dispatch table.  This is preparation for building the table at
    run-time, instead of compile time.
    app/composite/ doesn't compile gimp-composite-mmx.c
    (until the various remaining gcc problems and configuration issues
    are worked out).