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  • Ell's avatar
    app, icons, menus: add performance-log recording to the dashboard · 40ac4f7b
    Ell authored
    Add an option to record a performance log through the dashboard.
    The log contains a series of samples of the dashboard variables, as
    well as the full program backtrace, when available.  As such, it
    essentially acts as a built-in profiler, which allows us to
    correlate program execution with the information available through
    the dashboard.  It is meant to be used for creating logs to
    accompany perofrmance-related bug reports, as well as for profiling
    GIMP during development.
    The sample frequency defaults to 10 samples per second, but can be
    environment variable.  Backtraces are included by default when
    available, but can be suppressed using the
    GIMP_PERFORMANCE_LOG_NO_BACKTRACE environment variable.
    Logs are created through the new "record" button at the bottom of
    the dashboard dialog.  When pressed, a file dialog is opened to
    select the log file, and, once confirmed, data is being ...