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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    app: switch gimpdisplayshell-render.c to the new profile filter code · 08545ad5
    Michael Natterer authored
    - disable auto-adding of the lcms display filter module
    - change profile convert dest formats to be always R'G'B'A, a display
      profile transform outputs something that can be displayed directly,
      so no additional gamma transform must happen when the pixels are
      copied to a cairo-ARGB32 buffer
    - add a medium forest of if() branches to gimpdisplayshell-filter.c
      which cover all combinations of profile and display filter
    - all of this is still very broken when changing an image to linear,
      because the configured RGB profile from prefs will do horrible
      nonsense (things work fine though with a per-image profile that is
      for linear data)