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  • Scott Lembcke's avatar
    Added ext/arraytypes.c. · fa2936ca
    Scott Lembcke authored
    2006-06-24  Scott Lembcke <>
    	* ext/ Added ext/arraytypes.c.
    	* ext/arraytypes.c: Added ext/arraytypes.c which contains stubs to wrap
         array pointers.
    	* ext/conversion.c: Added support for array conversion and ParamRegions,
    	 and changed the behavior of GimpParams2rb() to return an array of
    	 Gimp::Param structs.
    	* ext/ids.c: Added additional ids for use with Gimp::ParamRegion structs.
    	* ext/rbgimp.c: Moved constant definitions to rbgimpconstants.c and added
    	 additional module functions.
    	* ext/rbgimpconstants.c: Enumerations are now defined using
    	 gimp_enums_get_names(). Added additional constants.
    	* ext/rbgimpmain.c: GimpParam arrays are now registered with the Ruby GC
    	 so that they are freed at exit. Fixed a couple of bugs pertaining to
    	 exception handling and return values.
    	* gimp-lib/gimp.rb.c: Changed code for definition of Gimp::Param and
    	 Gimp::ParamDef. Added type checking abilities to Gimp::Param and
    	 Gimp::ParamDef. Fixed bugs in the type checking and parameter handling of
    	 the PDB module.
    	* plug-ins/ Added coolmetal-logo.rb.
    	* plug-ins/coolmetal-logo.rb.c: Tried porting the old ruby plugin, still
    	 has some issues with the reflection.