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  • Wolfgang Hofer's avatar
    Onionskin Configuration Dialog: added Close Button, Auto Create after · 97b3da61
    Wolfgang Hofer authored
    2003-07-12 Wolfgang Hofer <>
         Onionskin Configuration Dialog:
         added Close Button, Auto Create after Load, Auto Delete before Save
         (suggestions from Richard Van Den Boom),
         Scope of Onionskin Settings changed from "Global for GIMP Session"
         to "Permanent for the current Animation"
         (Settings are now stored in the * files)
         Some Internal Reorganisations, more general video_info file handling
         (added processing of the onionskin Settings here)
         Bugfixes Navigator Dialog: video paste now working again,
                                    scale slider now reflects visible size
                                    del_button, dup_button sensitvity depends on selections
         * gap/gap_onion_base.c [.h]   (newly created modules, spliited of from gap_onion_worker)
         * gap/gap_onion_worker.c [.h]
         * gap/gap_onion_main.c [.h]
         * gap/gap_onion_dialog.c
         * gap/gap_lib.c [.h]
         * gap/gap_vin.c [.h]
         * gap/gap_navigator_dialog.c
         * gap/gap_arr_dialog.c
         * gap/gap_mov_dialog.c    // removed deprecated GtkKPreview widget (replaced by drawing_area based gap_pview_da calls)
         * gap/README:          updated GAP-specific gimpc config
         * gap/