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Gi-docgen 2022.1

Changes since 2021.8

- Do not qualify type names that are already qualified [#111]
- Handle implied zero-terminated=1 attribute [!115]
- Display type note for strings inside arrays [!116]
- Use C types for string and property types [!117]
- Add support for OpenSearch [!118, Corentin Noël]
- Fix links to callback types [!119]
- Validate the "type" link fragment [!120]
- Split type and array parsing [!121]
- Add exception mode to the GIR parser [!122]
- Handle missing type information in arguments [!123]
- Add more contrast to the dimmed text class [#116]
- Improve classification of pointer arguments [#117]
- Add blurb when eliding inherited methods [#112]
- Include bits in structure fields [#119]
- Add a test suite for the gi-docgen link generator [!129]
- Style keyboard shortcuts like libadwaita [#122, Jakub Steiner]
- Do not require a message for deprecations [!132, !139]
- Add anchors for enumeration values [!135, Niels De Graef]
- Add a ToC for the page navigation side bar [#124, !136, !138, !142, Niels De Graef]
- Fix pointer type detection [#127]
- Note functions that are not introspectable or that have been shadowed [!144]
- Split "related" libraries from "dependencies" [!145]