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    Add `_try` versions of existing GError functions · d8a6f4b9
    postscript-dev authored and Jens Georg's avatar Jens Georg committed
    The library is moving to a new API, using GError to report errors and an
    `_try` prefix in the function name. Some existing functions already used
    GError but were not using the `_try` prefix.
    + Add missing `_try` versions of the functions and deprecate non-`_try` ones
    + Add new functions to gtk-docs and move non-`_try` ones to subsection
    + Add new functions to test_presence_of_expected_methods() in Python testing
    + Update gexiv2-tool with `try_open_path()` to prevent deprecation warning
    + NULL to nullptr as part of modernisation
    + Update gexiv2-tool with `try_get_xmp_namespace_for_tag()` to prevent
      deprecation warning
    + Python testing
    + Replace `g_ascii_strncasecmp()` with `strncmp()` as this is case sensitive
    + Add error message in functions, when filtering by @tag and does not match
      any of "Exif.", "Iptc." or "Xmp."
    + Update `Since` and `Deprecated` fields in function docs
    Closes !54