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  • Jiri (George) Lebl's avatar
    don't link the 'genius' binary with any gui libs, still the · 80aad54e
    Jiri (George) Lebl authored
    Thu Mar 25 10:05:57 2004  George Lebl <>
    	*, src/*.[ch]: don't link the 'genius' binary with
    	  any gui libs, still the configure/build process requires gnome
    	  always, but I'm working on that.   Fix up the includes and
    	  add a genius-i18n.h header
    	* src/graphing.c, src/mpwrap.c, src/funclib.c: use the G_MAX/MIN
    	  macros instead of limits.h for I suppose better portability
    	* src/genius.c: use g_print* variants instead of printf and fprintf