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  • Jiri (George) Lebl's avatar
    print extra dict of a function by printing a list of variable assignments · ad721f4c
    Jiri (George) Lebl authored
    Sun Feb 24 18:35:45 2008  Jiri (George) Lebl <>
    	* src/calc.c: print extra dict of a function by printing a list
    	  of variable assignments before the function body.
    	* src/dict.c: a little cleanup and fix the problem with subst list
    	  updating and d_replacefunc which happened when a local variable
    	  which was previously set to something else was set to a function.
    	* src/geniustests.txt: add more tests on returning functions
    	  and the subst list handling
    	* help/C/genius.xml: add section on returning functions from
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=647