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  • Ell's avatar
    long-shadow: add new operation to workshop · ef6a3e94
    Ell authored
    Add a gegl:long-shadow operation, which (surprise surprise) creates
    a long-shadow effect.  The operation supports three shadow styles:
    finite, infinite, and fading.  The shadow's color, angle, length
    (for finite shadows), and midpoint (for fading shadows) are
    Additionally, the output composition is also controllable, and can
    be one of:
      - Shadow plus image:  Both the shadow and the input image are
        included in the output.
      - Shadow only:  Only the shadow is included in the output.
      - Shadow minus image:  Only the parts of the shadow that aren't
        obscured by the input image are included in the input.  In
        GIMP, such output can be combined with the original layer using
        "Merge" layer mode, to achieve the same result as "Shadow plus
        image", using separate layers for the image and the shadow.
    The operation preserves partial-transparency, and produces anti-
    aliased results.