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    buffer: in cache, replace global tile queue with per-instance queues · 275df09c
    Ell authored
    Currently, we maintain a global queue of tiles, ordered by access
    time, from most-recent to least-recent.  This requires us to
    acquire a global mutex whenever accessing/inserting a tile, in order
    to maintain the queue.
    The commit replaces the global tile queue with per-instance tile
    queues, ordered by the same criterion, which allows us to avoid
    acquiring the global cache mutex in the above cases.  The global
    mutex mainly has to be acquired only during cache construction,
    destruction, and trimming.
    To keep trimming simple, and relatively efficient, this commit
    changes the cache eviction strategy: instead of evicting the least-
    recently accessed tile first, we evict the least-recently accessed
    tile of the least-recently accessed cache first (which might not be
    the least-recently accessed tile overall).