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  • Øyvind "pippin" Kolås's avatar
    Meson port - integrating merge request !35 · 9a89095f
    Øyvind "pippin" Kolås authored
    This commit contains the meson build system changes from is a combination
    of commits from that branch, with most of the meson port done by
    Félix Piédallu - with some adaptations to sources and build by Øyvind Kolås.
    We need a transition phase where meson works on top of autotools to
    switch many of the CI systems gegl is involved in over to meson.
    Among the commits squashed into this one are:
    Author: Félix Piédallu <>
        Remove check for py2
        build: add gegl-npd-lib to pkgconfig
        Added meson files
        [src] move libnsgif to subdir
        [src] Compatibility with Meson: libs/ -> subprojects/
    Author: Øyvind Kolås <>
        tools: exp_combine fix signedness warning
        gegl: fix Babl gir name
        meson: do not builds docs and workshop by default
        bin/meson: link binary with gio
        operations/meson: add missing operations
        meson: skip opencl tests, opt all other tests out of parallel running
        put al...