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  • Michael Gratton's avatar
    Depend on javascriptcore, generate webkit2 VAPI that uses it. · f51f55cd
    Michael Gratton authored
    This gives us a means of using JS objects returned by UserContentManager
    script messages directly from Vala.
    * bindings/metadata/WebKit2-4.0.metadata: Tweak standard webkit2 VAPI to
      re-include methods that return javascriptcore objects.
    * bindings/vapi/javascriptcore-4.0.vapi: Copy generated VAPI file into
      the tree, customise it so that it actually works.
    * src/CMakeLists.txt: Generate the custom webkit2 VAPI, depend on
      javascriptcore and include in-tree javascriptcore VAPI in the client
    * bindings/metadata/JSCore-3.0.metadata: Remove obsolete file.