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login screen doesn't come back after log out when performing user switching

Ray Strode requested to merge wip/fix-missing-login-screen into master

From a downstream report:

Description of problem:

On version RHEL 7.3 if you press CTL+ATL+F1 that would ALWAYS be the GUI (GNOME Desktop). In RHEL 7.4 the CTL+ATL+F1 is the what the 1st user gets and CTL+ATL+F4 is what the second user get when he/she logs into the system. User A logs in and get the ...+F1 virtual terminal. Then User B switched-user and logs in and gets ...+F4. User A comes back and logs into his session then logs out. At this point the CTL+ALT+F1 virtual terminal crashes (or errors out) and doesn’t display a new login screen for the next user. All we see is a CLI screen with a bunch of Xsession exit messages. If that user wants to login to that machine he has to cycle through each ...+F2 , then ...+F3, then ...+F4 until he find User B's GUI session and switch user from his screen.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login into system as user A and check ps output
  2. Switch to user B and check ps command output. It will show two X servers on different TTY
  3. Switch back to first user - A and logout from his session. Gnome session disappears and getting blank screen
  4. Press ctrl+alt+f2/3/4... untill you get GUI started on other TTY

Actual results: When switching users it is launching multiple X servers, and when a user logout from his GUI session, login screen do not appears. Getting blank screen only.

Expected results: When switching users it should not launch multiple X servers, and when a user logout from his GUI session, login screen should appear.

Additional info: Issue is reproducible on newly installed RHEL7.4 systems on test systems.

Merge request reports