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  • Jiri (George) Lebl's avatar
    added Malaylam, Marathi and Oriya languages · 7c997742
    Jiri (George) Lebl authored
    Fri May 16 20:46:43 2003  George Lebl <>
    	* gui/gdmlanguages.c, config/locale.alias: added Malaylam, Marathi
    	  and Oriya languages
    	* gui/gdmlogin.c, gui/greeter/greeter_system.c: fix #105923 by
    	  changing the "Configure..." item to "Configure the login
    	* utils/gdmopen.c: fix the -l option to actually work right
    	* daemon/slave.c: fix Redhat #91031 by prepending the dash
    	  to the command rather then replacing the command with a dash
    	  when running the shell.  This was contributed by (Michael Blandford)
    	* config/, daemon/gdm.h: change PingInterval to
    	* daemon/gdm.[ch], daemon/slave.c: update DisallowTCP properly
    	* daemon/slave.c: set GDMSESSION before running PreSession
    	* daemon/misc.c: fixed warnings and an uninitialized var use