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  • Bruno Coudoin's avatar
    -A- removed difficulty=0 cause it breaks the web site generation -A- -A- · e438f4b4
    Bruno Coudoin authored
    	* boards/ -A- removed difficulty=0 cause it breaks the web site generation
    	* boards/ -A-
    	* boards/ -A-
    	* boards/ -A-
    	* boards/ -A-
    	* boards/ -A-
    	* boards/ -A-
    	* boards/ fixed comments
    	* boards/skins/pink/skin.xml: changed colors for erase
    	* boards/wordsgame/ New list of words from Catherine Lhomme
    	* boards/wordsgame/ New list of words from Catherine Lhomme
    	* boards/wordsgame/ New list of words from Catherine Lhomme
    	* added melody ogg files
    	* src/boards/advanced_colors.c: (item_event): fixed bug: added pause while in bonus
    	* src/boards/click_on_letter.c: (click_on_letter_create_item),
    	(game_won), (process_ok_timeout), (process_ok), (item_event),
    	(highlight_selected): fixed bug: added pause while in bonus
    	* src/boards/colors.c: (item_event): fixed bug: added pause while in bonus
    	* src/boards/imageid.c: (imageid_next_level), (item_event),
    	(highlight_selected): fixed bug: added pause while in bonus
    	* src/boards/leftright.c: (item_event): fixed bug: added pause while in bonus
    	* src/boards/machpuzzle.c: (create_machine_item): changed hole color to black
    	* src/boards/missingletter.c: (missing_letter_next_level),
    	(missing_letter_create_item), (item_event), (highlight_selected),
    	(add_xml_data): fixed bug: added pause while in bonus
    	* src/boards/read_colors.c: (item_event): fixed bug: added pause while in bonus
    	* src/boards/reading.c: (player_win), (player_loose),
    	(item_event_valid): fixed bug: added pause while in bonus
    	* src/gcompris/config.c: added Croatian
    	* src/gcompris/score.c: (gcompris_score_set): centered score. use / instead of : for separator
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