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  • Bruno Coudoin's avatar
    Laurent Lacheny has created a new activity in gcompris. · fad6f9bc
    Bruno Coudoin authored
    	It's the classic connect4. You have to connect 4 lines in a row.
    	You play against the computer.
    	The IA code comes from the project 4stattack by Jeroen Vloothuis
    	It's the first commit and it's a work in progress.
    	Bruno reviewed all key_press return value like explained here:
    	It doesn't explain us why we get event twice but at least we know what
    	has changed. Anyway, the return value in all key_press function of each
    	plugins are not well set. We should return:
    	TRUE  = We handled the key
    	FALSE = We did not handled the key, gtk need to send it to next widget